When Jason was younger, he always asked me to take videos of him presenting his ideas / actions / thoughts. He said his ambition is to be a YouTuber.
At bed time today, I shared with him the challenges that Uncle Roger (Nigel Ng) is facing now. He was criticised “so weak, so weak” by thousands of his subscribers for deleting a video he collaborated with another YouTuber.
I asked Jason, if you’re Uncle Roger (a YouTuber), how would you feel? After a short pause, he replied, “Oh no! He was checkmated”
Jonnie quickly suggested, “That’s only a check, not checkmate. There are still options for next move!” We all laughed.
I think we should never allow our fear of ‘being in check or checkmated’ to stop us from ‘playing chess’. We are all human and sometimes we make mistakes. Take responsibility, learn and then try again. I think ‘Uncle Roger’ will feel empowered if he accepts whatever that has happened, learn and be better in the future. I hope my boys understand the analogy .
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create” ~ Roy T. Bennett.